(915) 521-7930 Provide transitional care services to those who require continuity of care. Hospital bound patients.
Emergence Health Network
admin2015-06-16T17:01:08-06:00(915) 887-3410 Diagnose and evaluation for those with suspected mental health problems seeking residential and rehabilitation services.

Centro San Vicente Homeless Clinic
admin2015-06-16T17:02:29-06:00(915) 351-8972 Provides community based primary healthcare, social services, and health education.

El Paso VA Health Care System
admin2015-06-16T17:06:54-06:00(915) 564-6159 EXT 6286 The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program combines Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Behavioral health; medical appointments; dental appointments; substance abuse program; social work service; Disabled Veterans Commission; Veterans benefits counselors; VA Regional [...]