5959 Gateway Blvd W, El Paso, TX 79925(915) 774-0525
El Paso County General Assistance
admin2022-05-04T15:32:34-06:00(915) 546-8150 To provide a safe and health quality of life that enables people to thrive and reach their potential through the efficient, effective use of County community and social service programs. Meets the emergency rent or mortgage payment needs of El Paso County residents Provides emergency utility assistance
YWCA El Paso Del Norte Region
admin2015-06-16T16:10:57-06:00(915) 566-2762 Programs for women and families, including child care, after school programs, teen leadership activities, teen parent programs, residence support and job development for homeless women and children.
Region 19 ESC
admin2015-06-16T16:11:36-06:00(915) 780-5338 Comprehensive tutorial services for homeless children and youth residing in homeless shelters and colonial sites.

Project Bravo Community Action Program
admin2015-06-16T14:57:58-06:00(915) 849-3820 Helps to provide housing, comprehensive energy assistance, food stamps, youth services, adult basic education, jobs, access to health care and patient assistance.
La Familia del Paso, Inc.
admin2015-06-16T16:32:55-06:00(915) 532-9434 Psychosocial rehabilitation for chronically mentally ill.
El Paso Human Services, In.
admin2015-06-16T16:41:01-06:00(915) 534-7227 Pride Center - The Preparation and Resources for Independence through Determination with Excellence (PRIDE) Center has been developed as a comprehensive one-stop resource center in El Paso, Texas.

Catholic Charities/St. Vincent de Paul
admin2022-05-04T16:02:35-06:00(915) 564-4357 Emergency services for needy local families which may include rent and utilities assistance.